Public Offer

Home page/ Public Offer

1. General provisions
1.1. This Public Offer (hereinafter - the "Offer") regulates the relationship between the Contractor of the Munko_Pop online store (hereinafter - the "Contractor") addressed to an unspecified circle of persons to enter into a Service Agreement (hereinafter - the "Agreement") on the terms set forth in this Offer.
1.2. The offer comes into force from the moment of its placement on the online store website and is valid until the moment of its withdrawal by the Contractor.
1.3. According to Art. 633, 638, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, this Agreement is a public contract, and in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below, any capable, natural or legal person becomes a customer (hereinafter - the "User") and undertakes to comply with the terms of this of the Agreement, additions and annexes to it, which are its integral part.
1.4. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings:
The executor is the Munko_Pop online store, which is a provider of intermediate services in the information sphere within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce" and is not the initiator of the transfer of information.
Site is an Internet resource of the artist Munko_Pop.
Services are a set of services provided by the Contractor in accordance with this Agreement for Users on a paid or free basis, including, but not limited to, User registration services, moderation and other information.
Visitor is any person who interacts with the Site in any way, including random visitors to the site.
User is any legally competent natural person, natural person-entrepreneur or legal entity who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and uses the services of the executor. The user can register on the site as a buyer.
Content is any information posted by the Contractor on the website, including, but not limited to: the name and description of product items, photos, product characteristics, reviews, etc.
Registration is the procedure for the User to fill out a registration form on the website, after approval of which the Artist assigns the corresponding login and password to access the Artist's services and the registered User's personal page.
Authorization — entry by the registered user of his login and password to access the artist's services and login to his personal profile. Personal profile is a registered User's personal page on the site, through which the registered user manages his account (account) and Balance (if applicable).
Login is the user's identifier when authorizing on the site, which is used by him in the process of using the services of the performer in accordance with this Agreement. The user's e-mail address is used as a login. It is forbidden to register and use several logins by the same user. At the same time, it is not allowed for the User to use a login already used by another user.
The buyer is any legally competent natural or legal person, natural person - an entrepreneur who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and who, using the site's capabilities, buys and/or orders the goods offered by the Contractor. The buyer can use the site's features by registering on the site and creating his "Personal Profile".
Product position — the commercial offer of the Contractor for the sale of goods, which is published by him on the website.
Images — photos (avatars) of users, attached photos / images to product items, added photos / images in the chat on the site.
Feedback - the User's comments on the Site regarding his relationship with another User in the process of purchasing a product, which are carried out with the assistance of the Services provided by the Service Provider.
Accounting time — Kyiv time(?). All dates indicated when using the site and services of the performer are taken into account in Kyiv time.
Privacy rules — the terms of the performer's work with confidential information on the site. Privacy rules are an integral part of the Agreement.

2. Subject of the Offer
2.1. The Artist provides Users with access to their online store to purchase Funko Pop figures.
2.2. The conclusion of this contract is carried out by acceptance (acceptance) by the User of the offer of the performer, set out in this Contract. The moment of conclusion of this Offer is considered the moment of any user interaction with the Site.
2.3. Any interaction of the user with the Site (including, but not limited to, registration on the site, transfer of funds by the user to the Performer as an advance payment for the provided services of the performer and/or actual use of the Performer's Services) means the User's unconditional consent to all clauses of this agreement (including its Appendices) and unconditional acceptance of its Terms with the obligation to comply with the obligations imposed on the User under this Agreement. Such interaction with the Site constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement, ignorance of which does not exempt the user from responsibility for non-compliance with its terms.
2.4. In case of disagreement of the User with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the User has no right to use the services of the performer and the Performer asks him to leave the Site.

3. Terms of payment
3.1. Terms of payment, cost of services and refund rules are determined by the relevant sections of the online store and may be changed by the Contractor at his own discretion.
3.2. Payment is made by the User through the use of payment systems specified in the Rules for the provision of Services, or by cashless transfer of funds to the Contractor's current account in the manner specified in the Rules for the provision of Services. All expenses of the User related to the transfer of funds under this Agreement shall be borne by the User himself.
3.3. Payment is made by the User in US dollars.
3.4. Payment for the Goods is made by the Buyer in the method chosen by him from the proposed payment methods on the Site in the "Basket" section.
3.5. When users pay with bank cards, the refund is made to the same card account of the User from which the initial payment was made, or another account specified by the User.

4. Liability of the parties
4.1. The Contractor's responsibilities consist exclusively in ensuring the possibility for the User to receive the Contractor's Services in the manner specified in this Agreement.
4.2. The Contractor reserves the right, at its own discretion, to change or delete any information published on the Site, to stop, limit or terminate the User's access to the Contractor's Services at any time for any reason.
4.3. The Contractor has the right to change the terms of this Agreement. Information about such changes is published by the Contractor on the Site and/or in the newsletter. The User's use of the Contractor's Services after any changes to the Agreement means his consent to such changes and/or additions.
4.4. The Contractor has the right to post advertising and/or other information in any section of the Site without the consent of the User.
4.5. The Contractor has the right to send messages to Users in the form of messages, including electronic messages to the User's e-mail address or SMS messages to the User's mobile phone numbers, which contain organizational, technical, informational or other information about the capabilities of the Contractor's Services.
4.6. The Contractor undertakes not to use the User's credentials obtained during registration for a purpose not provided for by this Agreement and its annexes, and guarantees non-disclosure of these data, except in cases where the disclosure of such information is the Contractor's obligation under the legislation of Ukraine.
4.7. The Contractor reserves the right to remove from its servers any information or materials that, in the opinion of the Contractor, are unacceptable, undesirable or in violation of this Agreement.
4.8. The contractor is not responsible for the quality of goods or services sold on the online store by third parties.
4.9. Users are responsible for their own actions in the online store and compliance with all requirements and rules.
4.10. Users may not place on the site Product items that:
violate the current legislation of Ukraine;
contain spam, financial "pyramid" schemes;
are illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive to morals, defamatory, infringing copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties, promote hatred and/or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, social grounds;
contain links to Internet resources owned by Users or third parties; contain contact data of the User or third parties (phone number, accounts of social networks or instant messaging services);
violate the rights of third parties; are not related to the selected product category.
4.11. The Buyer, when purchasing a Product item through the use of the Contractor's Services, acknowledges and confirms that:
The Contractor and the Sellers are completely independent entities that do not influence each other's activities;
The Contractor is not responsible for compliance with the legislation of Ukraine and the Buyer's expectations of the Seller's activity of selling Goods to the Buyer;
The executor is only a platform that places the corresponding Product items. The Contractor is not responsible for the quality and delivery terms of the Goods;
The contractor is not responsible for the fulfillment of warranty obligations regarding the works/services performed/provided by the Sellers to the Buyers;
The buyer must independently formalize his contractual relations with the sellers chosen by him.
4.12. The User has the right to send information to the Site Administration on the facts of violation by other Users of their obligations arising from the terms of the contracts concluded between them using the Services provided by the Contractor.

5. Intellectual property
5.1. The set of programs, data, trademarks, copyright objects and other objects used on the Site is the intellectual property of its legal right holders and is protected by the legislation on intellectual property of Ukraine, as well as by relevant international legal treaties and conventions. Any use of elements, symbols, texts, graphic images, programs and other objects included in the Service, except as permitted in this Agreement, without the permission of the Performer or other legal right holder is illegal and may result in legal proceedings and the involvement of violators in civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

6. Final provisions
6.1. This Agreement and the relationship between the Contractor and the User are governed by the legislation of Ukraine. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
6.2. This Offer becomes effective from the moment the User accepts the terms of this Offer and is valid until it is changed or withdrawn by the Contractor.
6.3. All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution of this Offer shall be resolved through negotiations.